Pillars of the Force Police Dogs

Police Service Dogs

Police Service Dogs (PSDs) have a long and storied history of public service, answering the call of duty 24-7, often under very difficult and challenging circumstances. These much valued members of frontline policing now have their own dedicated pillar and section on the Princess Royal Walk, identified as K9. For they too are Pillars of the Force!

The K9 section and pillar provide both a legacy of and a tribute to these Police Service Dogs (PSDs) who serve and protect. Recognizing the PSD’s will also help provide financial support to ensure their legacy is shared with generations to come. Not only will this initiative provide financial support to the RCMP Heritage Centre to help share the story of Police Service Dogs. Additionally, it will also help ensure that PSDs live a safe and healthy life in retirement, with 20% of each PSD donation gifted to Ned’s Wish, a charitable, not-for-profit organization that provides financial support for the medical care of retired police service dogs.

You can participate in this K9 initiative by staking a claim and making a PSD legacy donation or a PSD tribute donation.

Click on FAQs to learn more.

Police Service Dogs

Police Service Dogs (PSDs) have a long and storied history of public service, answering the call of duty 24-7, often under very difficult and challenging circumstances. These much-valued members of front-line policing now have their own dedicated K9 section on the Princess Royal Walk. For they too are Pillars of the Force!

The K9 section is both a legacy of and a tribute to these Canine Members (PSDs) who serve and protect. Recognizing the PSDs also helps provide financial support to ensure their legacy is shared with generations to come. This initiative will also help ensure that police service dogs live a safe and healthy life in retirement, with 20% of each donation gifted to Ned’s Wish, a charitable, not-for-profit organization that provides financial support for the medical care of retired police service dogs.

You can participate in this K9 initiative by staking a claim and making a PSD legacy donation or a PSD tribute donation.

Portrait photo of an RCMP officer in the Red Surge with a K9 Police Service Dog to his side

Specialty Police Service Dog, Dopey

Legacy Donation

RCMP Service Dog’s name and regimental number will be permanently displayed on the dedicated K9 Pillar, in recognition of service rendered and ensuring their legacy lives on.

The PSD’s story of service will also appear on our K9 visitors website at, mpvirtualpillars.ca. The story will/should include the PSD’s Handler/partner as the two were/are a team. Photos are a welcome addition to any story. Website viewers can also locate, and view location of the PSD’s name on the K9 Pillar.

We invite other PSD Agencies to participate by placing an engraved legacy brick in the dedicated K9 section adjacent to the K9 Pillar. Their stories will also be posted, with photos of the dog and his/her Handler, the brick location identified and viewed on the virtual pillar wall.

Citizens at large, be they individuals, families, groups or organizations may also have the opportunity to participate in staking a legacy claim and making a donation on behalf of a specific police service dog.

One Police Service Dog’s name and regimental number per legacy brick or nameplate with a donation of $300.00

Photo collage that shows examples of available nameplate and brick options

* A charitable tax receipt will be issued for the full amount of your donation.

** Instructions for submitting your story and photos for the Virtual Pillars will be sent to you after your donation is received and processed.

For Citizens at Large

Tribute Bricks

  • Citizens at large, be they individuals, families, groups or organizations may also stake a claim and make a donation for a Tribute Brick, to show their support and appreciation for these wonderful animals who serve and protect.
  • The tribute brick can be dedicated to a specific PSD, PSD’s in general, and can include municipal police, border services, rescue agencies, etc.
  • Two sizes of personalized bricks are available: 4×8 with a $300 donation and 8×8 with a $500 donation. Includes donor’s name plus a tribute message engraved on the brick.

* A charitable tax receipt will be issued for the full amount of your donation.

** Information required for posting stories and photos on the virtual wall will be forwarded to you following receipt and validation of your initial submission.

* A charitable tax receipt will be issued for the full amount of your donation.

Stake A Claim for Police Service Dogs

Digital example of nameplates on pillars

Stake your Legacy or Tribute claim in the Police Service Dog area on the K9 Pillar or K9 section of the “The Princess Royal Walk” at the RCMP Heritage Centre, overlooking the iconic north gate at “Depot” Division, Regina, Saskatchewan, “Home of the RCMP.”

Police Service Dogs are part of our unique Canadian story”. Stake Your K9 Claim. Get started by following the steps in the “Make a Donation” section below.

Make a Donation

Ways to Donate: By Mail (cheque), By Phone (credit card), or Online (click “Donate Online” below).

Step 1: Select

Decide how many Names you are submitting & calculate your total donation.

LEGACY Nameplate or Brick
One Name & Regimental # – $300

TRIBUTE Brick (with text)
4in x 8in – $300
8in x 8in – $500

Step 2: Stake Your Claim

Mail Your Form

Download & complete the claim form, include it with your cheque.

Email Your Form

Download the claim form, fill out the form electronically, save the file, and email the form as an attachment to FRIENDS@RCMPHC.COM. You may also print, scan and email the form.

Step 3: Make Your Donation

Send Cheque, payable to:

Friends of the Mounted Police Heritage Centre

Mailing Address:

Pillars of the Force
C/O RCMP Heritage Centre
5907 Dewdney Avenue
Regina, Saskatchewan
Canada S4T 0P4

Donate by Phone

Provide Credit Card information over the phone
When you’re ready, please call (306) 719-3015.

Donate Online

Donate online using our Donation form.

Contact Us

For more information or to make a donation, please contact us at 306-719-3015 or email FRIENDS@RCMPHC.COM

Mailing Address:
Pillars of the Force
C/O RCMP Heritage Centre
5907 Dewdney Avenue
Regina, Saskatchewan
Canada S4T 0P4

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Download a list of frequently asked questions and their answers.

Contact Us

For more information or to make a donation, please contact us at 306-719-3015 or email FRIENDS@RCMPHC.COM

Mailing Address:
Pillars of the Force
C/O RCMP Heritage Centre
5907 Dewdney Avenue
Regina, Saskatchewan
Canada S4T 0P4