President’s Message

Friends President Bob Smart

President Bob Smart

The primary goal of the Friends of the Mounted Police Heritage Centre is to do all we can to support programming, education and historical collections at the RCMP Heritage Centre, thus enabling it to carry on the vision of commemoration and sharing the story of the RCMP to the world. 2014 marks a quarter of a century that we have worked towards this end; past and current members. Check out book of ra gratis spielen ohne anmeldung

This past year proved to be interesting and challenging. We saw an increase in our overall revenue which can be attributed to two key areas. First, we were able to finally get our cheque insert / mail out campaign done in the last quarter of the year which resulted in more than 300 new members of the Friends. I welcome each of you to our family. The second contributing factor was a significant increase in the Cadet Troop load for 2014. Increased cadet usage of the washers and dryers in the dorm buildings resulted in a substantial increase in revenue for us.

The Mosaic Company made a substantial donation of $1 million to the Heritage Centre in 2014 and included therein was a unique challenge to the Friends. Mosaic is prepared to match the Friends’ contribution to the Heritage Centre over a five year period to a total of $220,000.00. The limit set for 2014 was $35,000. We rose to and exceeded that amount. For 2015, Mosaic has set their matching contribution target to be $50,000.00. With your continued support and efforts we are confident to reach that milestone.

As members of the Friends and if not yet done so, I encourage you to consider becoming involved in activities at the Heritage Centre. I also ask you to reach out to your circle of friends. Those who may be looking to support a not for profit organization or charity in your communities. Have them consider the Heritage Centre, either directly or through the Friends, as their primary area of interest. We are always looking for support and volunteers.

In closing I wish to again recognize the strong working relationship and partnership between Heritage Centre employees, those who work in Historical Collections and the Friends. Together we make a strong, formidable team that can rise to any challenge.

Bob Smart

MAY 2015

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